Well now. If you attended the PC meeting in July 2019, you know that after reviewing a multitude of outstanding items on the current plans, the JVI developer’s attorney asked for a deicision, and no they did not want an extension because it was time to make a decision as they were not going to keep making repairations to the plans until they knew that the township was going to accept the plans.
So, the Planning Commission stated clearly that as they did not want an extension, but wanted a decision … and there were too many outstanding items to be able to approve the plans at this time … the decision was to recommend to the Board of Supervisors to deny the plans as they are.
Okay. Skip forward a week and the JVI Developer’s attorney sent a letter to the Board of Supervisors requesting a 30 day extension so they could fix one item on the plans.
Really? I though you didn’t WANT or NEED an extension.
Now we are at the August Board of Supervisors meeting. The meeting went a little long as they covered many items not even on the agenda. And they were items that the Krumsville Community Coalition had presented so I’m really glad I was at the meeting!!!
Harmike Investments requested an extension to November to have time to obtain the rest of their permits so their plan could be moved from Preliminary to Final. (The is the gas station project) The extension was granted.
Crossroads X#2 requested an extension to September to have time to fix one item on their plan. The township solicitor, Alex, stated that if they granted the extension, since it was just one item on the plans, it would have take the plans back to the PC for review, but would just need to be voted on by the Board of Supervisors. (I don’t understand. If they make a change to the plan, doesn’t our township engineer have to review that change, and doesn’t that change have to be reviewed by our Planning Commission?) The BoS granted the extension.
H&K Group had several things to discuss with the BoS.
- Using property across from the school for concrete making for the highway project. They guarantee they will use flaggers during school hours to keep traffic safe and they expect this land to be used for the next four years.
- They are closing Stump Road for two weeks 08-12 to 08-25 so they can safely move dirt from one side of the highway project to the other side. Signs will be posted and the detour route will be laid out on their website for review.
- They encourage the community to visit their headquarters to learn where the project is in it’s construction and to ask any questions or give comment or complaint. They said they clearly want an open door policy with the community.
Friend INC Community Services is holding their annual “Brake for Cycle of Poverty” bike run on Saturday August 10th and they were requesting persmission to be on the Greenwich Twp roads during this event. Our township solicitor (Alex) was hesitant to grant them anything (since they’ve been doing it already for several years without any kind of permission) as it may open the twp to a liability.
New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co is asking for a temporary Trailer and electric hookup on Twp property for their Old Route 22 repair project which is to begin August 12th and run through October 15th. (This cracks me up. While the highway project is going on, and dump trucks are running up and down Old Rt 22 loading and unloading dirt, PennDOT hired these people to repair Old Route 22. Now how is that going to work? And why repair it now when the heavy truck traffic over the next three years is just going to tear it up again. Our tax dollars hard at work) The BoS granted a them a lease of $1000/month for that time frame. BEWARE, this is probably going to cause delays from Krumsville to Lenhartsville over the next several months. I can’t wait until I-78 has a detour while their doing this repair work.
Zettlemoyer Bridge project is FINALLY getting underway. Contractor starting August 28 and finishing November 10, 2019.
NOT ON THE AGENDA was some old business. We (Krumsville Community Coalition) have been requesting some things we wanted the BoS to look into since February 2019. Apparently, they finally looked into them and had answers.
Actually, we only had one item we were still pursuing as Dan Becker pretty clearly told us at the July meeting that the Board of Supervisors was not going to get involved in any of our concerns. (See meeting notes. – anyone wishing to hear the July 2019 meeting recording, we have it shared to a Google drive for your review) So imaging our susrprise when Victor said they would review all five items with us.
- JAKE BRAKE ORDINANCE. The BoS will be asking PennDOT to come and do a study on the grade of the roads and complete the forms necessary, if PennDOT approves, to put signage in the Krumsville intersection. The BoS says they cannot authorize signs along Old Route 22 on the hill up and down at the Mobile Home Park because if they do, then other people will be asking for signage. So, if you are one of the 27 people that asked me to make thie request on your behalf, please reach out to the BoS in a petition format and provide them a listing of the times of day this is occurring (specifically the late night, early morning times) I am sorry they denied you some peace and quiet along Old Route 22.
- FALSE ALARM ORDINANCE. (Brought up by the fire consultant on two different reviews) Dean had pretty much shut us down on this last month stating that it would cause a lot of costs to residences … and that was backed up by Dan Becker. Imagine our surprise that this was brought up. They did list out that there were not that many false alarms right now, and there was really just one company, Dietrich Meats, that generated most the false alarm calls. So they tabled this ordinance for now.
- FIRE CODE ORDINANCE. We’ve been asking the township to adopt the Appendix D of the 2015 International Fire Code into the ordinances? Pete explained that this is really covered by our SALDO, section 515. Also, if they adopt the code as verbatium, it will open the township up to lawsuits as people will says that they (the twp) are precluding them from building anything on their commercial or industrial property. Uhm, no .. a long and narrow property like JVI purchased will pass the Appendix D Code, if the building is under 200,000 square feet. So no, the BoS will not be adding this to the ordinances.
- SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS for warehousing. We had presented, in November, January and again in April, why we felt our township Special Exceptions was kinda weak (only has two items on it) We sent four examples from four different townships on their warehouse construction special exceptions. Apparently, Pete only had one of the four examples and he used that to lay out that pretty much everything in that example was somewhere in our ordinance so they are not going to double up the work and add it to the Special Exceptions.
- HOP PETITION TO APPEAL … oh boy, here is a real can of worms. We presented in June and asked the BoS to help us. We gave them them the website, forms, and other onfo and filing an appeal against the HOP should PennDOT approve it for the JVI warehouse project. The BoS said they’d look into it. Then in July, I asked if they had the opportunity to look at it. The board members all said no and this was when Dan Becker jumped all over our request stating that the board had no interest in being involved in appealing the HOP and if we wanted to file an appeal, then they could look at it, but they weren’t going to do it. (Again, you are welcome to listen to the meeting recording, I have it out on Google docs, email me and I’ll send you the link) Our attorney was at this meeting, and he told me after the meeting that he was shocked by the response from both the board and Dan regarding this matter. NOW, at today’s meeting, Alex brought it up stating that my blog last month caused some trust issues because the blog busted on Dan Becker for his responses to our requests. (LISTEN TO THE MEETING RECORDING!) Also, Alex did some research into it the HOP appeal and there has to be a legal reason for the township to get involved. As it is right now, there is no legal reason. Marc argued that there was legal reasons (ordinance 802, safety in the intersection for the community – health/wealth for the community surrounding the warehouse as property values would go down.) Fred argued that the storm drainage system was going to cause community health issues. AND WHAT ABOUT the illegal deed transfer of the parcel of land that gives the warehouse the necessary right of way for LOS and expanding RT 737 for a turning lane? At this time, the BoS has no intention of filing a petition for appeal against the HOP.