We have an official denial letter from our BoS to the Warehouse Developer. denialletter_121517
While this is a huge win for us, the residents, this is not the end. This is simply the beginning of a new path. The developer/land owner will file a lawsuit hoping a judge will over turn the decision. We will stay on top of the legal process and stay involved. It is important to to show the courts that we stand behind our BoS’s decision!
In other news, I have sent a letter to PennDOT regarding our November meeting. They promised to get back to us on our concerns about tractor trailer traffic being forced through the Krumsville intersection. To date, we have not received a response from them. We HAVE to stay on top of this and get an answer from them. This intersection cannot handle this kind of traffic and PennDOT needs to recognize that and put a limit to any HOP they would issue to the industrial and commercial properties north of I-78 through that intersection.